HomeEconomicsNew Money in an Integral Economy: From Economic Feudalism to Economic Democracy


New Money in an Integral Economy: From Economic Feudalism to Economic Democracy — 1 Comment

  1. Thank you for providing a quick survey of banking and its tortured history. My key takeaway is the point made about the need for Economic Democracy to match and support Political Democracy. If we want to hold onto freedom and individual sovereignty, there is no alternative. This means systemic reform of the money and banking system. Mortimer Adler and Louis Kelso in their book, Capitalist Manifesto, (1958) made this point (Everyone should at least read the preface!). Finding the way to create true economic democracy should be the lodestar for serious leaders on both sides of the aisle to lead us away from the darkness of authoritarianism and failed ideas – the Great Reset included! Kudos to the work of the Center for Economic and Social Justice and to your innovative ideas presented here. Details can be debated but let us lift up this VISION and get to work making it happen. There is no time to waste.

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